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Posted By Topic: Good morning! Gentlepleas Sir.......       - Views: 1466
Data Dunia 17-Oct 2007 Wednesday 11:42 AM (6072 days ago)               #1
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You are one of the great Admin and I respected you to the fullest for the charity heart that you have! Thanks so much for your reply and explanation and I appreciate every sentence of your wise words, sincerely!

I share your views and in fact, I always tell myself that it's really difficult to please every members in AB, especially when the number of AB members was nearly reaching 150,000 mark and it's still growing! But something I don't understand was, is it Admin don't looked into the whole content of the thread and just anyhow flash card, no matter whether if that thread was for a good cause or not? And worst still, the thread was already deleted and can't be found anywhere in other forums and it kept me wondering......Why? That thread posted has no harmful meaning and I am just stating what I have encountered to warn AB members only. Have I done wrong?

Anway, I have given up pursuing this matter as I see no point in it anymore, but at the very least, I have learnt something is that I always think that all Admins are sensitively selected from cream of crops, with good capability to handle issues in an adult way , but it proves me wrong as some Admins are just up to this level only...... Case closed for me and rests assure that I won't bring it up anymore...... Thanks so much for your reply and explanation and I really appreciate your time spent! Smile

Hey! GP Sir! Got something to ask you! Seems like now you did not organise any charity group work anymore as I can still recall previously you always post and ask for volunteers to help out in packing stuffs and goodies for old folks......

Actually I am always yearning to do charity work, but don't know where to start. In fact, recently I notice an old folks home in a nearby town and I kept thinking of how to approach them and start my charity work going, at least I have something meaningful to do during my weekend. Any comments or probably share some experience from your side?

Looking forward to your kind reply and have a pleasant day ahead! Smile

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Gentlepleas 17-Oct 2007 Wednesday 7:26 PM (6072 days ago)            #2
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Yellow and Red Cards are there as a deterrent for a domain like ours. I am sure if you have proof of any admin who is giving out cards unnecessarily, a explanation is definitely guaranteed.

So far we have never fail to explain our actions to anyone. But most of these discussions are one on one and through emails. If we have an open discussion, it will sometimes lead to something else and we might get diverted from the crux of the issue.

From this never ending winding, we will be taking longer than usual to solve the issues. As you know, the longer we take, the lower the morale for those affected. Avenues are many to voice out grievances, use all of it and if it is still not solve then perhaps complaining in the complaint forum can be your last step.

We are a democratic society and i am sure if we put our thoughts together and discussed it as adults, the succession in solving those issues is definite.

As for charity work, i am still actively involve. If you are still interested. Send me your number at [email protected] and i will keep you posted of any events. In, not everyone have time and the response was not that good when i tried organising. Do you like to help in buddhist societies, if yes pls indicate and i will inform you of any as well?

Stay cool, Data, in whatever situation cos the fella with the most Steady head will always emerge with a Cool Solution.

Regards, GP.

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
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AB Charity
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Data Dunia 18-Oct 2007 Thursday 10:37 AM (6071 days ago)            #3
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quote originally posted by Gentlepleas:


Yellow and Red Cards are there as a deterrent for a domain like ours. I am sure if you have proof of any admin who is giving out cards unnecessarily, a explanation is definitely guaranteed.

So far we have never fail to explain our actions to anyone. But most of these discussions are one on one and through emails. If we have an open discussion, it will sometimes lead to something else and we might get diverted from the crux of the issue.

From this never ending winding, we will be taking longer than usual to solve the issues. As you know, the longer we take, the lower the morale for those affected. Avenues are many to voice out grievances, use all of it and if it is still not solve then perhaps complaining in the complaint forum can be your last step.

We are a democratic society and i am sure if we put our thoughts together and discussed it as adults, the succession in solving those issues is definite.

As for charity work, i am still actively involve. If you are still interested. Send me your number at [email protected] and i will keep you posted of any events. In, not everyone have time and the response was not that good when i tried organising. Do you like to help in buddhist societies, if yes pls indicate and i will inform you of any as well?

Stay cool, Data, in whatever situation cos the fella with the most Steady head will always emerge with a Cool Solution.

Regards, GP.

Good morning! GP Sir! Thanks for your enlightening words and you just one of the few humble Admins here whom I have always respected! Anyway, I rest my case but on my thread which was curiously deleted by that Admin, without any valid reason, remains unresolved and I will classified this as being "Irresponsible" acts..........

Thanks so much for your invitation, but sad to let you know that I am working and stationed permanently in China and thus will not be able to participate actively. I remembered I did e-mailed you some time in Dec 2005 that I was interested to be part of your charity group but I told you that I could only participate when I'm back to Singapore and which is only around 3 times a year and not more than 2 weeks each time. So, high chances that I may not meet the events you organised. Probably I will drop you a mail when I'm schedule to come back to Singapore and we will proceed from there, ok?

Are you a buddhist? GP Sir? I'm a buddhist and I always spent my Sunday morning at the temple in Sengkang (般若略佛堂)every fortnightly, some 6 years ago. If you frequent that temple during that time, I may have seen you before....... Anyway, if there is a chance, I really hope that we can meet......

Wishing your family and you best of health and happiness and all the very best to whatever things you do and best of all luck!!!!!!

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
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Gentlepleas 18-Oct 2007 Thursday 11:34 AM (6071 days ago)            #4
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Cheers Mate!

Anytime you are free jus drop me a mail.

Take care for now.

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
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AB Charity
(Est. Apr 2012)

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